
Overtime, this Glossary will be expanded upon.

Accessibility – this is a general term for how bodyminds enter, use, and exit a space. This is often perceived as a matter of legal compliance with laws such as the ADA, but as examples below will demonstrate, access is also an artistic material that some disabled artists are using to design the exhibition and interactivity of their work.

ADA – the Americans with Disabilities Act, a wide-ranging disability anti-discrimination bill passed in 1990 that protects access to public spaces and institutions for people with disabilities.

Companies – dance companies, a common kind of organization for professional dance artists.

Disability dance artistry – this is the contemporary field of disabled choreographers and performers who are using disability as a source of knowledge and creativity in dance and performing artistry.

Performing arts – various kinds of artistry presented in venues like theaters and stadiums that involve the performers’ movement.